Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

Can You Hear The Sound of Ma Heart?

To: The Lucky Girl that will marry with Him in the future

Please take care of him. Be by side always.
Tell him, it's okay whenever he falls.
Remind him, it's totally fine to shed a tear in front of you.
Compliment him, when he does his best... he like it.
Cook his favourite food whenever he get's home... he will love u even more.

I can't say being with him would be easy, but please... stay!
Don't get affected when his fans hate u.
Please, never stop loving him... my dear Lee Sungmin. HE'S CHOOSE YOU, among million's... you stole his precious heart. Im jealous with u.

I won't get to be in his arms even for a second, whereas u get to be for eternity.
Sometimes i dream to wake-up on front of his face... but now, only u get to see it.
I've loved him for as long as i could, and in fact i still do it.
Its amazing what love does to everyone. But, everything comes with a price to pay. And it hurts me to love him sometimes.

He brings an equal amount of pain, just as much happiness he brings to my life.
And i know, you mean the whole world to him.
As much as its hard to let him go, but i'll try to give it.
Now, that he found his eternity... and its time for me to find me as well^^

Can u tell him something for me?
Please tell him, i love him.
Tell him, i'll always be watching him.

Thats all im prepared to finally let him go.
I want to be free too.
I want to be able to love someone that love me back.

But let him know... that im thankfull that he entered my life. Bcs he taught me the real value of love.

2014, 13th December
- his fans


Finally, gue posting ini di blog. Sebelumnya sih gue udah posting ini di instagram dalam bentuk tulisan tangan gue sendiri, tapi berhubung salah satu teman gue protes gara-gara capture-nya gak begitu jelas yaudeh gue berinisiatif buat re-post di blog tertjinta gue ini.

Rasanya kurang lengkap kan yaa kalau sebuah laporan/proposal disajikan tanpa latar belakang. Nah, begitupun postingan gue kali ini, rasanya kurang greget gitu yaa kalau kalian gak paham akan prihal apa yang mendasar sampai gue ngepost ginian. Oke, jadi gini... "Sungmin married!" Yaudah sih biarin aja. Terus masalahnya apaan? Gue yakin itu adalah salah satu kalimat yang berputar di benak kalian.

Gini deh yaa, kalian pasti punya seseorang yang menjadi inspirasi kalian kan? Atau gini aja deh yang enak... kalian punya idola kan? Pasti deh setiap orang punya idola. Buat kalian yang gak punya sesosok idola, yaa gue sih ngerasa kasian sama elo. Gue ngebayangin betapa hambarnya kehidupan lo, ibarat kain kanvas tuh yee idup lo cuma ada warna putih sama hitam. Hmm oke maaf sebelumnya, disini gue gak bermaksud mengimitasi kalian-yang-emang-gak punya idola.

Idola tuh bukan berarti cuma selebriti loh yaa. Nabi Muhammad SAW misalnya, ya itu sih emang udah wajib banget jadi idola kita-kaum muslimin. Tapi maaf, disini objek idola yang akan gue bahas lebih tertuju pada seleb/publik figur.

Oke singkatnya gini aja deh, untuk kalian yang punya idola... coba perlahan pikir dan rasakan, idola kalian itu telah dipertemukan dengan takdir hidupnya. Sedih? Iya. Kesel? Iya. Getting jealous? Haha lucu deh, ini sih udah pasti. Tapi lagi-lagi kita harus dihadapi dengan kenyataan "Lo cuma fans. Inget, fans! Fans bisa apa?" Iya, paham. Gue cuma fans di antara jutaan fans di luar sana. Ibarat sebuah atom, gue itu cuma salah satu elektron yang cuma bisa berputar di garis orbit, bahkan bisa jadi gue salah satu elektron yang ada di sub-kulit paling akhir.

But, there's something wrong with the fan who makes a piece of letter about their hopes for their idol's? If there is, please tell me where's the fault? So please... don't even interrupt someone to express their feelings.